Why Kids Need Braces?

Why Kids Need Braces?

-There are several reasons as to why kids might need braces. The most common reasons are for correcting oral issues like overcrowded, overlapping, or crooked teeth.

-Kids might also need braces if they have malocclusion, also known as a “bad bite”. This is when the top and bottom jaws are of different sizes. When the bottom jaw is bigger, it’s known as an underbite. When the top job is bigger, it’s referred to as an overbite.

-A child might sometimes need braces if they’re experiencing jaw and tooth problems. These problems are usually caused by accidents, losing baby teeth too soon, or thumb sucking.

-More often than not, however, the oral issues are inherited. So if you or someone in your family needed braces, chances are your children also will need them.

-It’s usually the kid’s dentist who first notices that there are dental issues. They will then recommend that your child visit an orthodontist. The orthodontist will be the one who will recommend if your child needs braces or not and which devices would work best.

-There is no specific age set for a child’s first visit to the orthodontist. Some kids start as young as 6, some children go when they’re 10, and others won’t first go until they’re in their teens.

-Many orthodontists recommend that children should start seeing an orthodontist starting at age 7. This is the age when children start getting their permanent teeth. It’s around this age when issues such as overcrowding and an uneven bite will become more noticeable.