What Is a Pulpotomy? Pediatric Dentistry Procedure

What Is a Pulpotomy? Pediatric Dentistry Procedure

A pulpotomy is essentially a root canal for children. It is most commonly performed on primary teeth. It is helpful to have a complete sense of what exactly a pulpotomy is and how a pediatric dentist can treat it. Then you will know when it might be necessary and when to schedule a visit with a pediatric dentist.

An overview of a pulpotomy

It is important for children to keep their baby teeth for as long as possible to ensure proper function each day and to give permanent teeth the chance to come through properly. A pulpotomy saves an infected baby tooth from becoming lost. It can have an impact on a child’s short- and long-term oral health.

Pulpotomy defined

A pulpotomy is often referred to as a baby root canal. It is most commonly performed on primary teeth. This procedure is performed to save an infected tooth from becoming lost by removing the infected pulp inside a tooth’s root. The goal of the treatment is to ensure the infected tooth is once again healthy and will last as long as possible, which is important for a variety of reasons.

The importance of a pulpotomy

A common misconception is that a pulpotomy is not important since it is primarily performed on baby teeth. However, it is very important to treat a tooth infection even in children. To understand the importance of a pulpotomy, it is necessary to understand the outcome without one, which in many instances is tooth loss. When a child loses a tooth prematurely, it may cause permanent teeth to come through crooked or overcrowded. Also, most pulpotomy procedures are performed on molars and premolars, which play a large role in the child’s ability to eat and function each day.

How does the process work?

The pulpotomy process starts with sedation to make the child feel more comfortable and ensure the child does not feel anything during the procedure. The pediatric dentist then isolates the tooth and begins the process of removing the infected pulp. The tooth is then sterilized, medicated and sealed to complete the procedure. The pediatric dentist will then schedule a follow-up visit with the parent and provide aftercare instructions.

When is a pulpotomy necessary?

A pulpotomy treats tooth infections in baby teeth, which often shows symptoms of swollen gums, tooth sensitivity and discoloration of the tooth in question. However, the main symptoms to watch for is pain. Any time a child shows signs of a tooth infection, especially tooth sensitivity and pain, it is encouraged to schedule a visit with a pediatric dentist as soon as possible for treatment. Ideally, it is advisable for a parent to have their child visit the pediatric dentist every four to six months, and more frequently if they develop cavities.

A pulpotomy saves your child’s tooth

If your child shows signs of a tooth infection, then reach out to your pediatric dentist and schedule a time to come in for an initial visit. During the consultation, the dentist can assess the status of the tooth and make a treatment recommendation. Schedule your consultation today.

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