Is Invisalign a Good Treatment Option for Your Teen?

Is Invisalign a Good Treatment Option for Your Teen?
Photo by Diana Polekhina / Unsplash

When you first realise that your baby’s permanent teeth are misaligned, your first thought is to rush to your nearby orthodontist and get them braces. And why shouldn’t you opt for traditional metallic braces, after all; they work wonders for your child’s crooked teeth.

But with the recent advancements in the field of orthodontics, your child deserves more options. An advanced orthodontic treatment that’s become the talk of the town is - Invisalign for teens. You must’ve heard and seen various advertisements about Invisalign for adults. And now the treatment option is available for kids as well.

So, the big question is - should you opt for Invisalign or traditional metallic braces? Let’s break down the differences between these two forms of treatment and help you choose the best for your child!

How do Braces Work?

The way that braces work is a mystery to man. However, we’ve got you sorted! Read on to find out how Invisalign and traditional metallic braces differ in their treatment forms.

-Invisalign: They are clear aligners that are made using a 3D image of the patient’s mouth. Your child will receive a series of variably sized trays that will gently move their teeth into position. Each successive tray guides the teeth in a better position than its predecessor. They’re also easy for your child to wear and remove.

-Braces: In the case of conventional metallic braces, brackets are attached to the enamel of each tooth using a bonding agent. The orthodontist then skillfully places a metallic wire between every tooth bracket using elastic rings. You will also have an option to choose clear braces that will match your child’s natural tooth colour. To move the teeth into their correct position, the dentist manoeuvres the arch wire at every appointment.

Which is Better - Invisalign or Metallic Braces?


Both Invisalign and traditional metallic braces can deliver amazing results when it comes to aligning crooked teeth. Most of the teeth misalignment problems can be corrected equally well by Invisalign and traditional metal braces.

However, there are certain bite problems that require correction using metallic braces only. Therefore, it is best to consult an orthodontist or Pediatric dentist to find out the best option for your child.


Some children hate the idea of metallic wires and brackets around their teeth and Invisalign gives them the aesthetic freedom they desire. However, there are some teenagers who love to experiment with the colour options available in metallic braces.

Because Invisalign are 3-D clear aligners, they can alleviate the feelings of self-consciousness and other aesthetic concerns that your child might have.


This is probably an arena that’s quite concerning for most parents. Braces in itself are some of the most expensive dental treatments. Invisalign is custom made using 3-D technology to fit every tooth of your child.

Therefore, they are much costlier than traditional braces. Whereas, traditional braces don’t involve any third party lab and are therefore, much cheaper than Invisalign.


Aligning the crooked teeth into position in your child’s mouth involves individual movement of affected teeth. This can lead to various problems such as ulcers and mouth soreness. This holds true for both braces and Invisalign.

However, Invisalign can reduce the discomfort your child might be facing while still delivering outstanding results. The pressure applied by Invisalign on individual teeth is much less when compared to traditional braces.

Also, it has smoother surfaces which do not irritate your child’s inner lips and tongue. However, bear in mind that be it metallic braces or Invisalign, your child will grow to be comfortable with both forms of treatment over time.

Treatment Length

The treatment length in the case of both metallic braces and Invisalign depends on the degree of teeth misalignment. An average treatment length for braces is anywhere between 10-24 months.

That said, certain extreme cases can take an even longer time to correct. Invisalign is not a suitable option for severely misaligned teeth and difficult orthodontic cases.

Traditional braces are typically worn 24/7 whereas Invisalign are worn for fewer hours. Both forms of treatment require a level of commitment from your child.


Invisalign is effective in treating mild to operate misalignments whereas metallic braces are an excellent option for all degrees of misalignment. A big reason behind the success of traditional metal braces is that they can only be installed and removed by an orthodontist.

Whereas, Invisalign can be worn and removed easily by the patients which creates a dilemma about their success. If you choose Invisalign as a form of treatment for your child, remember to remind them to wear the aligners as directed by their dentist.


The brackets and metallic wires in traditional braces can accumulate small food bits and plaque easily. If your child can’t keep up with their oral hygiene routine after every meal, this can lead to stained teeth and an increased risk of gum diseases and other oral health issues.

Your child must use a soft bristle brush to clean their teeth and pay special attention to flossing. They should also avoid any sticky, hard, and extra-crunchy food items.

On the other hand, clear aligners require little to no maintenance. When your kid needs to eat it, they can remove the aligners and put them back on after brushing.

Always remember that your child shouldn’t eat any food items while wearing the trays. This can increase the risk of cavities and even damage their trays.

Final Thoughts

The conclusion is, both clear aligners and traditional braces are an excellent orthodontic treatment option with their own pros and cons. Some misalignments are treated better with traditional braces and some with Invisalign.

The choice of treatment option will also depend on your budget, aesthetic preferences, and your child’s lifestyle. Before deciding upon any form of treatment, it’s best to consult an orthodontist or your nearby Pediatric dentist who will understand your concerns.