How to Care for Your Teeth After Braces

You now have straight teeth for a beautiful smile after years of wearing braces!

You must take a few steps to keep your teeth white in order to keep your smile bright. This will also help to keep your teeth cavity-free and your gums healthy.

The steps are as follows:

1. Schedule a dental examination and professional teeth cleaning.

Even if you practise good oral hygiene while wearing braces, you may have plaque and stains on some of your teeth.

These can be removed and your teeth polished to shine with a professional cleaning. An examination can also detect any minor cavities that have formed.

2. Maintain a good oral hygiene routine.

Brushing at least twice a day, flossing once a day, and regular dental checkups and cleanings are the best routine.

3. Put on your retainer as directed.

Your teeth may occasionally shift back to where they were before you wore braces. Because your retainer keeps your teeth properly aligned, wearing it as directed is critical to maintaining your desired smile. You'll need to wear these at the very least every night. If your teeth do move, you can always get Invisalign from your dentist to straighten them out again.

4. Maintain your retainer

Clean your retainer on a daily basis according to your dentist's instructions. Remember to always keep your retainer protected when not in use.

5. Think about teeth whitening.

Braces make brushing and flossing difficult, resulting in stains on some teeth. When the dentist removes your braces, you may be disappointed to see that your straight teeth are not white. Professional teeth whitening can remove these stains and leave you with a white, bright smile.