A Pediatric Dentist Talks About the Importance of Cavity Prevention

A Pediatric Dentist Talks About the Importance of Cavity Prevention

A pediatric dentist can diagnose and treat a range of oral health concerns in children. However, their primary focus for long-term patients is on preventing issues such as cavities. This article provides an overview of why cavity prevention is important.

Ask a pediatric dentist: Why is cavity prevention important?

A common misconception many parents have is thinking that cavities in primary (baby) teeth are not that important as they are going to come out anyway. However, issues with baby teeth can cause concerns with the development of permanent teeth, in addition to causing discomforting symptoms.

Why is cavity prevention important for baby teeth?

Cavities do more than simply hold the place of permanent teeth while the jaw develops. They also serve as a guide and preserve the positioning for permanent teeth. If baby teeth come out prematurely due to a necessary extraction or from a weakened root, then it could compromise how permanent teeth develop, increasing the risk of needing orthodontic care to address overcrowded or crooked teeth.

How a pediatric dentist can help prevent childhood cavities

A pediatric dentist helps parents maintain the optimal oral health of their child’s baby teeth to further ensure the proper development of permanent teeth. One way they do this is with regular cleaning and check-up visits, which are encouraged every four to six months. Dental sealants can also reduce the risk of cavities in molars and premolars. If the enamel begins to weaken before cavities form, then a pediatric dentist may provide the parent with fluoride treatment for their child to use daily to help strengthen the enamel and prevent enamel erosion.

Caring for your child’s teeth between check-up visits

Parents can also reduce the risk of cavities for their children by ensuring they adequately care for teeth between pediatric dental check-up visits. Most notably, brushing and flossing can keep teeth clean and cavity-free. It is also encouraged to limit the consumption of sugar-filled beverages and snacks as they increase the risk of cavities.

How often check-up visits with a pediatric dentist are necessary

Check-up visits are encouraged every four to six months. This allows the pediatric dentist to check for any signs of cavities or weakened enamel and to perform a routine cleaning procedure.

The importance of developing good oral care habits at a young age

Another benefit of good oral hygiene at home and regular visits with a pediatric dentist is that the child is able to develop healthy oral care habits at a young age. This helps with cavity prevention of permanent teeth long-term as the habits often carry over into the child’s teenage and adult years when they become more independent.

Want to be proactive about cavity prevention?

You can schedule a check-up visit with our pediatric dentist and staff to put together a cavity prevention plan for your child. We genuinely enjoy helping children of all ages prevent cavities in their baby teeth and permanent teeth. Contact our dental office today to schedule an appointment.

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